M616 »


MAT 616 CRN 2619 Spring 2025



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Week 1

AI answers for the question "Who invented the term Data Science?"

Presentations answering the question "Who invented the term Data Science?"

Videos connecting AI and Science

Week 2

AI answers for the question "Who invented the term Artificial Intelligence?"

Mathematical reasoning

Week 3

Week 4

Week 6

Week 7&8


  1. Mathematics for Machine Learning (Download the pdf of the book.)
  2. Gentle introduction to Markov Chains
  3. An explicit header code for LaTeX
  4. Coding Challenge #2. NOTE: name the downloaded file CC2.ipynb
  5. Coursera mini-course on Math notation for Data Science
  6. Good book recommendations for Data Scientists
  7. Principal component analysis: a review and recent developments by Jolliffe and Cadima
  8. How to ask good questions in Data Science
  9. ML projects with python
  10. Probability playground website
  11. Show Me The Data from NYT
  12. NYT paragraph about Simpson's paradox
  13. Veritasium video: This will revolutionize education
  14. Python help
    1. References to sharpen python skill created by Dr. Mix for GEG 584
    2. The Ultimate Guide for Column Creation with Pandas DataFrames (see Google drive Midterm folder in 10-5)
    3. A guide to groupby
  15. Getting used to mathematical thinking slides
  16. MML Ex 2.3 & 2.4
  17. Midterm MML questions examples
  18. Datasheets for Datasets
  19. NOTES
    1. Notes about Mathematics, Science and Data Science 2/15/2022
    2. Notes about proofs 2/15/2022
Page last modified on March 09, 2025, at 07:12 PM

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